
Rock formations, tree bark and native flora - you only need to take one look at Ellin’s work to instantly recognise a key inspiration for her; nature.

Born into a family of environmentalists in Sydney in 1986, the importance of the natural world was instilled in Ellin from a young age. Today, her passion has materialised through a range of artistic mediums including painting, collage, drawing, printmaking and sculpture.

Ellin has embraced her innate creative ability through her work as a self-taught artist and her discovery of unconventional techniques through trial and error. Although the mediums often change, Ellin’s art, for the most part, has one constant; all drawing inspiration from her bushland surrounds in Sydney, or her family’s secluded property in the beautiful Lower Hunter Valley region.

Embracing what it truly means to be ‘off the grid’, Ellin will often find herself escaping to the family’s retreat multiple times a month in order to work on her art; the 40 acres of untouched bushland becoming the ultimate muse. With no reception or interruptions from the outside world, it is in the space that Ellin utilises her artistic energy to infuse the power of nature into her art through the use of abstract techniques, textural elements and neutral tones.

Often described as ‘beautiful’ and ‘calming’, Ellin’s work aims to bridge the gap between the man-made and natural world; by bringing nature into the home through her art.